"DESCRIPTION 1"="If you have many open programs, they may clutter your taskbar too much. With this plug-in, you can reduce the size each entry needs inside the taskbar."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="Just enter the size, how big the items in your taskbar should be. A good value is "-285" which works for most computers and only shows the icons of the running programs (no text) but depending on your computer, you might even need to decrease this value (e.g. "-1000"). You must restart Windows for this change to take effect."
"DESCRIPTION 3"="Genereally, you should adjust this value to match your Taskbar size (trial and error may be necessary):"
"DESCRIPTION 4"="Taskbar size in pixel: 17 This value: -270"
"DESCRIPTION 5"="Taskbar size in pixel: 18 This value: -285"
"DESCRIPTION 6"="Taskbar size in pixel: 19 This value: -300"
"DESCRIPTION 7"="Taskbar size in pixel: 20 This value: -315"
"DESCRIPTION 8"="Taskbar size in pixel: 21 This value: -335"
"DESCRIPTION 9"="The Taskbar size can be changed from: Control Panel -> Display -> Appearance -> Item: -> Active Title Bar -> push the up or down arrows and peek at the Size: box until it looks to your liking -> click OK."
"DESCRIPTION 10"="To restore the original size, just clear the field."
"COMMENT 1"="Thanks to Zeppelin [zeppelin_68@hotmail.com] for this idea and the link to http://www.regxplor.com/tweak17.html which provided the technical information on how to perform this tweak."
"COMMENT 2"="Thanks to AXCEL216 (http://members.aol.com/axcel216/newtip22.htm#FTB) for the detailed description."
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems (CptSiskoX)"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"